Complete set of coffins for kids child up to 3 years, with complete burial guide according to sunnah.
1. White coffin Sheets x 2
2. Covering Cloth x 2..
Complete set of coffin for male, with complete burial guide according to sunnah.
1. White coffin Sheets x 2
2. Closets x 3
3. Bags x 3 (for gloves and clearning stomach)
4. Scarf x 1
5. Covering Cloth x 1
6. Shalwar x 1..
Complete set of coffin for female, with complete burial guide according to sunnah.
1. White coffin Sheets x 2
2. Closets x 3
3. Bags x 3 (for gloves and clearning stomach)
4. Scarf x 1
5. Covering Cloth x 1
6. Shalwar x 1..